Saturday, March 16, 2013

seeding aka jumping the gun, 2

In this lovely black plastic pot from Canadian Tire, I had the tarragon re-emerging from last summer, and some mizuna and Black Lacinato Italian Kale, both going gang-busters despite having been cut back (aka harvested) a few times even during the winter for a few greens. There was a languishing perennial spinach and a volunteer stinging nettle which I decided to consign to the worm bin.

I read about how it's possible to regrow green onions from the root tips, so I popped a couple in a gap to see what would happen.  Here's where my vague record- keeping is already coming to bite me in the butt! I think I planted some Toy Choi in the wee gap. Or perhaps it was some chervil!

In the next pot, a white plastic scavenged restaurant-sized food bucket (thanks to Youngest Daughter), I kept some self-seeded perennial spinach, and added some "Toy Choi" Pak Choi -- at least I'm pretty certain that's what I did. The plan is to harvest that and plant out the tomatoes later once the weather warms up.

Minus the mushroom (shiitake) kit, this (above) is what the plantings look like thus far.

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