Friday, April 12, 2013


The other day, expecting a technician from my phone/internet provider to arrive to fix the intercom for my unit in my condo building, I decided to do a little tidying.

Now, in my experience, tidying up usually results in many minor and major disasters, not the least of which is that I cannot find anything afterwards.

So, in my attempts to make the kitchen counters and stove-top look less messy, I tucked (among other things) the lidded glass casserole dish containing my precious sourdough starter out of sight into the oven.

Surely I'm not the only one who hides stuff in the oven!

Anyway, even as I did it, I thought to myself that I'm liable to forget they are there when I next turn on the oven. And, sure enough, that very day I turned on the oven to bake some potatoes and --- arrrgh! Yes. I killed the sourdough starter.

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