Sunday, March 10, 2013

the base map -- sort of

So, as I already mentioned, this was the winning design.

This is the base-line design which I'm using to diagram the various elements and energies that affect the Balcony Permaculture Food Forest, everything from sun and wind, to noise and views.

A fascinating and distracting part of this process has been to visit my local civic mapping site. Each city probably has one. The many layers that interested me were the transit routes and stops, bicycle paths and parkways, sewage, water mains, and services like community centres and libraries.

This is partly to satisfy the requirements of my Permaculture Design Course:
"This open creative mapping project looks deeply into your home and surrounding areas. Include a base map noting all the elements on your land including identifying plants and animals as well as doing a permaculture zone map and series of sector maps charting the flow of energy onto, and off of, the property. Those with more time might consider history of the landclimatological info for the region, as well as neighbourhoodcommunity and bioregional maps."

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